March 18th, 2022
Over two years ago we helped businesses prepare for the unthinkable, the world economy came close to a grinding halt and many of us were able to weather the storm by simply hoping for the best but strategically preparing for the worse.
Today, once again we are facing the unthinkable! How can factors half a world away, affect whether you will be able to cover your minimum overhead this month alone.

Along comes the Spider:
  • A Spider somehow knows that the meticulously built web will ultimately collapse due to the unavoidable rain, wind or debris; yet, the Spider spends literally every fiber of its body to ensure the new web is as if not stronger than the last.
-The business is aware failure is likely on any venture but does not have to be inevitable.
  • A Spider instinctively knows that a web sewn near a source of light will attract food, and is willing to take a higher risk since this strategy may also attract other dangers; the Spider knows that a web built in the dark corner, even though safer, it would eventually lead to a slow starvation.
-The business message is always visible, its brand widely seen and memorable.
  • A Spider to the casual day observer seems dormant and uninteresting, but a Spider knows that the majority of its impeccable work is done in the dark, alone, without the need for recognition, without the excuse of help from other spiders to act, without hesitation and without fear, since that Spider knows that building a strong web is its destiny and it is embedded in its DNA; during the day, the Spider conserves its energy, patiently taking its time to analyze and immediately repair the weak points of its web, yet to most day observers she once again seems dormant and uninteresting.
-The business embraces change and keeps reinventing itself.
  • The Spider recognizes that even though she built a big, impressive and aesthetically pleasing to the eye of mother nature, she will need to move into a new location and build it all over again. The Spider does not get emotionally attached to its marvelous creation or gets intoxicated with self-pride over the mastery and technicality of its web, as it knows this is irrelevant if the web does not provide food it needs to survive.
-The business recognizes failure fast, learns from it and quickly evolves thanks to it.

  • A Spider knows it can't fly because nature did not awarded it wings, but yet the Spider manages to fly using the fibers in its body and the wind provided by nature; the Spider knows that it needs to be willing to move as the food sources rarely remain steady and consistent.
-The business is aware of its limitations, but it does not limit itself.

  • The Spider sees there are other spiders which choose to chase their food source without a web; yet, it knows that even though it could do the same, it is aware that the prey will come should it remain confident, steady on its carefully threaded web and always vigilant that the foundations of its structure remain strong when its food source arrives.
-The business knows its niche and must always remain focused on it.
  • A Spider does not fear the gift of every challenge.
-The business embraces, imagines and practices improbable challenges; so when they do come, they are aptly prepared for them.

AGICON Consulting can provide answers to the questions that will allow your business to reach new heights.

March 17, 2020
You can still provide your products to your clients by communicating directly, taking orders, payments on your website and deliver directly to their doors, all without any direct contact!
  1. We Will Create a Special Website for your business so you can easily assist your clients during this shutdown
  2. You will be able to communicate with multiple clients simultaneously  through your website and answer their questions in real time
  3. We will quickly develop a form with your products so your clients can place and you will receive an email notification once an order is placed
  4. We will set you up so you can take payments online
  5. You will be able to deliver your product to your client's address (all without having to directly interact with them, while providing excellent customer service)
Give us a call at 800-691-2490 or Chat with Us
March 3rd, 2020
In 2020 pandemics can be like political elections, many opinions but very few people can actually predict what will happen, a virus that develops 7,000 miles away can disrupt markets, supply chains and even product availability at your corner store. As a business owner once again, you will have to anticipate how every development can directly or indirectly affect your operation, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

In order to prepare for the worst (which is hopefully unlikely), business owners will have to formulate numerous hypothetical questions in a realistic and objective manner, questions such as: Will my employees be able to come to work? Do I have a remote option for them in case they have to stay home? What is the bare minimum staff and stuff I need to operate my business with? How many days/months of overhead can my business support without any new income? How quickly can I implement plans B,C, and D without running out of cash? Can I transform my business to deliver services without immediate customer contact? The questions can be overwhelmingly infinite, but having a plan or plans in place can make you feel more at ease and even develop a new strange sense of confidence, once the plans have a tangible strategy behind them.

AGICON Consulting can provide answers to the questions that will allow your business to reach new heights.


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